Keyword targeting with Google

Jun 04, 2013

 What are keywords?

A keyword is a website page topic or the name of a service – the more often a keyword is used by searchers and websites the higher the competition. Keywords tend to be anything from 1 to 5 word phrases that potential clients type into Google to find your website. For example we at UKWebFast target phrases such as “Mobile Web Design”.

Finding keywords SEO in cheltenham

Where can I find keywords?

Google offer  to test and search for keywords. This tool is a worldwide standard and can help you to choose keywords for your business.Here you can collect ideas on which keywords you can concentrate your attention. If you are unsure or would just like some advice then please do get in touch as we would be more than happy to help.

How does a keyword tool work?

When you type in a phrase, website name or any word, it will list all similar words with a count that represents its global monthly searches and also local monthly searches. There is also a column which shows the competition for the keyword or phrase.

How do keywords help?

Using keywords help people find your business online. A good place to start is by using strong keywords in website titles and page names. Even if you haven’t had your website built yet thinking about what keywords you might target is always a good idea.

What to avoid?

Overuse of a keyword on a webpage is called keyword stuffing. If a keyword is used in a title then try to avoid repeating it in the descriptive text. Search engines will flag pages as spam where they find the use of keywords in too many places. This stops website owners creating hidden pages filled with just keywords.

Check the rank of keywords on your SEO campaign  is a very useful tool to check how your keywords are being ranked so that you can track your progress.

If you are looking for SEO in Cheltenham or Gloucestershire then please do contact us today. UKWebFast can help your website move from page 30 to page 1 in just a few months dramatically improving traffic to your site.



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